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You have just purchased a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system for your home. The question that you are now asking is “should I purchase a maintenance contract?” What should you consider before making this decision? Many people do not realize the importance of having an HVAC contractor come out to their home on at least a yearly basis to ensure that everything is running smoothly. This blog post will provide information about how to make the right decision regarding whether or not you want to purchase an HVAC maintenance contract.

What is a maintenance contract?

A maintenance contract is a service agreement with an HVAC contractor whereby the company agrees to fix your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system if anything goes wrong. This could include repairing any broken parts of the system or replacing any damaged components that may have been caused by wear-and-tear. The HVAC contractor will come out to your home and do an inspection. They will then provide you with a quote for how much they would like to charge you to take care of any needed repairs or replacements on the system, including labor costs and parts.

Why should I purchase one for my new system?

A maintenance contract is a good idea for anyone who wants to protect their HVAC system from any future breakdowns. You’ll never have to worry about being without heat or air conditioning in your home again and you will also be able to take advantage of the contractor’s expertise when it comes time do add on new features, like installing a radiant barrier insulation layer between your attic floor and ceiling boards. The company with which you sign an agreement will make sure that all preventative maintenance tasks are completed regularly so that there are no surprises when something goes wrong down the line. Some contracts even include emergency repairs for those times where things go wrong at night or over a weekend, such as during winter storms, power outages or other natural disasters.

How much does it cost to have one of these contracts?

The cost of a maintenance contract will vary depending on the agreement you choose. Some companies require an upfront fee while others may offer one for free with service agreements that are paid annually or monthly. The initial investment can range from $0 to more than $100 and it could be worthwhile if you plan on living in your home for at least five years. If not, then the money might be better spent elsewhere by saving up for repairs when they happen instead of paying someone else ahead of time.

Is there anything special that needs to be done before signing up for the contract ?

It’s always a good idea to look at the fine print before signing anything. If you are considering an agreement with a company that requires an upfront fee, make sure they will refund your money if you cancel within 14 days of making the purchase. Look for hidden costs and any add-ons like pet attachment or window washing services that may not be included in their regular service plan.

If possible, compare different maintenance providers so there is no confusion about who will be performing your service calls should something go wrong with your system while it’s under warranty.

Do they offer any discounts or promotions right now ?

Don’t sign a contract that will last more than two years if you are not sure your new system will be reliable for the entire time. If anything happens and your equipment needs to be replaced before the end of the warranty period, then there may be some out-of-pocket expenses on your part.

If they want an upfront payment in order for them to protect themselves from any unforeseen circumstances, make sure it isn’t too expensive or exceeds $1000 dollars. You should also look at what they offer as far as warranties because this is one way companies try to get people hooked into another service agreement during their first year with no money down (unless insurance was already included).

A good HVAC company has all these details clearly laid out on their website, and they should be willing to talk about them with you before making any decisions.

What are some other things that I should consider before purchasing a maintenance contract for my HVAC system?

You should also look into answering these other questions: What does my contract cover? Do I need any special equipment/additions? How often will the technician come by for service calls? Am I required to buy their parts when there’s an issue with mine (unless it’s covered under warranty)? Who pays for travel expenses on top of the regular service?

Ask for references and past customers to make sure they’re a reputable company.

Look into reviews online before signing any contracts or providing them with payment information. You should also look at their BBB rating, if available.

The best way to avoid problems is by being proactive about your maintenance contract; that means scheduling annual inspections, making sure you replace filters every month (or as needed) and looking over other items on the list provided below periodically during each visit – whether it’s installing new air ducts in your home or replacing an HVAC unit entirely!

Contact DC AC Air and Heat at 321-436-6595