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Why Is My AC Not Working? Quick Fixes and Tips

The scorching Florida sun beats down, and you reach for the thermostat, expecting a blast of cold air. But your air conditioner is not working at all. Panic sets in – why is my AC not working?

Don’t worry! We’ll answer common questions about AC issues in Orlando caused by the hot climate. We’ll also cover thermostat settings, dirty filters, electrical problems, and helpful air conditioning maintenance tips.

Troubleshooting Common Air Conditioner Issues in Orlando

In Orlando, high humidity levels can cause air conditioners to work harder than they might in a drier climate. High humidity demands extra effort from your system, leading to more frequent maintenance needs and potential breakdowns. Regular checkups by professionals like DC/AC Air and Heat, offering a 12-point AC and heating tune-up for $95, help your air conditioner run smoothly. You can also avoid costly AC repairs down the line.

The Top Reasons Your AC Won’t Cool

AC complications can happen from specific issues that require attention. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Is Your Thermostat Set Correctly?

One of the most common causes of AC issues is often the simplest to fix: incorrect thermostat settings. Before delving into complex repairs, check your thermostat. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. It may sound obvious, but make sure your thermostat is set to the “cool” mode and not accidentally set to “heat” or “off.” This simple mistake happens more frequently than you might think.
  2. Ensure that the temperature setting on your thermostat is lower than the current temperature in the room. This prompts your AC to kick in and start cooling.

If you want precise control over your home’s climate and potential energy savings, consider investing in a smart thermostat. These advanced devices allow you to set and adjust temperatures remotely through smartphone apps. 

Some even learn your preferences over time, automatically making adjustments to maximize comfort and energy efficiency. Smart thermostats can be a smart investment in the long run, saving you money on your energy bills.

Electrical Issues 

If your AC suddenly stops working, electrical problems could be to blame. Here are specific issues to look out for. 

If your circuit breakers frequently trip, it indicates a serious electrical problem that requires professional attention. This issue should not be ignored, as it can lead to safety hazards and potential damage to your AC system.

The start capacitor is responsible for providing the initial boost to your AC’s motor, allowing it to start running. If the start capacitor fails, your AC won’t turn on at all. This is a critical component that may require professional repair or replacement.

Faulty or incorrect wiring can lead to inefficiencies in your AC system. It can also pose a risk of electrical damage. It’s important to have a qualified technician inspect and resolve any wiring issues to ensure the safe and proper functioning of your AC.

If you suspect any of these electrical issues, contact a professional HVAC company like DC/AC Air and Heat for a thorough diagnosis and repair. Ignoring electrical problems can lead to safety hazards and potentially expensive repairs in the future. 

Maintaining Your AC Unit 

Regular maintenance keeps your air conditioning unit functioning, especially in the hot climate of Orlando. DC/AC Air and Heat can help you with air conditioning unit maintenance and provides a 12-point AC and Heating Tune-up for $95.00. Their services include checking refrigerant leaks, inspecting electrical connections, and more. By taking proactive measures like scheduling this tune-up, you can save yourself from unnecessary expenses.

Adjusting Settings for Maximum Efficiency

Finding the right thermostat settings can optimize your AC’s efficiency and help you save money in Central Florida’s hot and humid climate. Here’s what you need to know:

Avoid setting the temperature too low. Setting your thermostat too low doesn’t cool your home faster; it only makes your AC work harder. Aim for a comfortable temperature range, such as 76-78 degrees Fahrenheit, during summer days to balance comfort and affordability.

To ensure maximum efficiency and savings, consider DC/AC Air and Heat’s 12-point tune-up. This helps optimize various AC components, including evaporator coils and condenser fans, for improved efficiency. By investing in this tune-up, you can reduce your energy bills.

Clean Air Filters and Coils Keep Your AC Cool

Proper maintenance of your AC system includes keeping the filters and coils clean. A clogged air filter can impede airflow, leading to decreased efficiency. You need to regularly clean or replace the filters to ensure unrestricted airflow. Additionally, dirty coils can hamper the release of heat, reducing the cooling capacity of your AC. Scheduling professional coil cleaning will help keep the coils clean and ensure efficient heat transfer. By staying on top of these maintenance tasks, you can ensure that your AC operates smoothly, providing consistent cooling to keep you comfortable.

Keep Your AC Running Smoothly All Year

The Florida sun is relentless, and when your AC sputters and dies, the discomfort can feel unbearable. But don’t worry, the mystery of “Why is my AC not working?” has been solved! All you need is regular maintenance for your air conditioning units.

Regular check-ups and tune-ups by professionals are your AC’s best defense against breakdowns. If you suspect a complex issue, don’t hesitate to call the experts at DC / AC Air and Heat. We are always ready to help you diagnose and tackle any AC challenge, big or small.

Contact DC / AC Air Conditioning and Heating today for a free estimate.

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