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When AC repair is required?

We all know that AC repair is never fun. It takes a lot of time and often requires costly repairs. However, you can avoid most issues if you know when to schedule your yearly maintenance.

The best way to ensure the longevity of your air conditioner is by scheduling an annual maintenance visit with a professional technician. For just one day out of the year, this will be worth it for the peace of mind you’ll get knowing that everything is in top shape!

If you notice any issues, like a lack of cool air coming out or an unusual noise, call your HVAC professional to address the issue. This will most likely be covered by their warranty and is the best way to avoid paying for costly repairs later on down the line!

An AC repair can cost up to $1500 in some cases, but it’s usually not as high. However, if regular maintenance had been scheduled then all those expensive repairs may have never happened because they would’ve caught them early on and could’ve fixed small problems before they became big ones!

What are some Signs That You Need Air Conditioner Repair?

  • There are no cold spots anywhere when using your AC unit. This means that it may not be working or the problem could be with your thermostat.
  • You notice an unusual noise coming from the unit and no cold air is being produced, this means that you require AC repair help! This can also mean that there’s a problem with the compressor.
  • The temperature gauge for the outside doesn’t match what you set it to on the inside of your house. What does this mean? It might just need some adjustments but if it continues when adjusted then contact professional HVAC services in order to avoid expensive future costs!

What are Signs That Your Air Conditioner Needs Maintenance?

Every two years, have your air conditioner professionally serviced by a licensed and certified technician who applies approved, factory-prescribed maintenance. They will check for:

  • Compressor problems, including leaks and corrosion
  • Cooling coils and fins not clogged with dirt or dust

Thermostat set to the correct temperature of 78°F (26ºC) during cooling mode/87°F (31ºC) when heating is on? ducts free from debris such as leaves, insulation in place that’s properly installed? no water leaking inside unit, if it has a drain pan that collects condensation or standing water you must clean this out since mold can grow there! Make sure your system has been inspected by an HVAC contractor every two years. This inspection includes checking refrigerant levels and pressures; changing filters; making sure that the condenser coils are not clogged with dirt or dust and have a clear path for air; checking filters on all supply registers.

Cooling water should be at 40°F (35ºC) to 45°F (40ºC), and heating water temperature should never exceed 110°F (45ºC). If your system needs repair, contact an HVAC contractor right away! He’ll tell you how long it will take to get parts and come back out. The average cost of AC repair is $150-$300 per hour so call as soon as possible before things get worse!

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