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Tips to Keep Your A/C Running Great All Year Long

We are all guilty of waiting until the last minute to get our air conditioning unit serviced. It seems like it always breaks down when its too hot outside and we have no other choice but to wait for summer to end. Well, I’ve got some great tips that will help you keep your A/C running great all year long. And if you’re looking for a reliable HVAC company in Orlando Florida, call us today at (321) 436-6595

If you have ac leaks, the problem will only grow!

The ac won’t run as efficiently if it has to work extra hard to cool down the house. If your ac is constantly running without bringing the temperature down, this could mean that ac repair Orlando is in order. If you live in an area where humidity levels are high and / or temperatures are too hot, then ac maintenance may be a better option instead of ac repairs.

Coils and hoses aren’t cleaned frequently

If your ac coils and hoses aren’t cleaned frequently, they can become blocked with dirt. This can cause the ac to work harder than necessary and end up breaking down sooner rather than later. When cleaning the coils on your ac unit make sure there’s no standing water left behind when you’re finished.

Be mindful of how much humidity there is in your home. An ac unit works harder to cool a house down if the humidity levels are too high. In some parts of the country, humidifiers are used during the winter months. Having ac repairs done on these ac units can be more frequent than ac’s that aren’t running with a lot of extra moisture added into the air. This will all depend on where you live and what kind of ac unit you have at your home or office space. If you’re not sure if it’s time for ac maintenance or ac repairs, then give us a call today at (321) 436-6595.

We’ve given you a few tips on how to keep your ac running great all year long. But what about those pesky leaks? If you have small, undetected leaks in the system, they will only grow worse over time and can lead to major issues down the road. Your coils are cleaned during maintenance checks, but hoses may not be checked as frequently as needed. That is why we recommend getting an annual tune-up with our team at DCAC air and heat. As one of the industry leaders for A/C repair services in central Florida, DCAC technicians know how important it is for homeowners to properly maintain their units so that any potential problems don’t get out of hand.

If you would like to learn more about ac repair Orlando, ac repair Winter Park or ac maintenance Kissimmee then call us today! We’re happy to answer all your ac questions. For more than 25 years we’ve been providing ac repair services for central Florida communities and we’d love a chance to work with you as well. When it comes to ac repairs or ac maintenance, don’t just hire any company in the area because they can be hit-or-miss when it comes these types of jobs. Make sure that you are calling in a professional team from our HVAC company so that your ac unit is running great every month without fail!

Don’t wait until next summer season to get your air conditioning system serviced. Call the ac repair company in Orlando today!

Contact DC AC Air and Heat at 321-436-6595

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