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We all dread the sound of a loud HVAC unit. It can be hard to sleep or focus on work when you’re constantly hearing it in the background, and even worse when you don’t know how to fix it! Fear not, because we have 5 HVAC troubleshooting tips that will help identify what’s wrong with your system and get things running smoothly again.

Check the thermostat and make sure that it is set to a comfortable temperature

If none of these suggestions seem to help then we recommend calling an expert who offers heating services such as DCAC air and heat so they can address any underlying issues causing the loud sound coming from your HVAC system.

Make sure filters are clean or replace them if they’re dirty

Make sure filters are clean or replace them if they’re dirty. If you have a clogged filter, for example, it restricts airflow which in turn leads to the unit making more noise during its operation. This is because not enough cool air is circulating around inside the metal coils efficiently because there’s too much resistance when trying to push through all that accumulated dust on top of the filter! Make sure your system has been properly sized for what needs are needed within our home or building by getting accurate measurements before investing in a HVAC system. When it’s time, replace your air filter and when the season changes, swap out for a new one that suits our climate needs-cold or warm!

Check for loose connections, such as at the furnace or air handler

The HVAC system can be efficient at the time of installation, but if air is leaking out from any connections between components it will lead to an increase in noise. Make sure all connections are tight and that there are no cracks or other areas where air could escape. A leaky connection would cause a pump on your furnace or an air handler to have to work harder than usual which eventually leads to increased wear for these parts and more sound! If you notice unusual sounds coming from your HVAC system like whistling noises then chances are high that some type of loose connection exists somewhere within the unit’s inner workings-find and fix this!

Inspect ductwork for leaks, holes, and obstructions

Exhaust ducts will also make noise if they don’t run smoothly through the HVAC system. Inspect all vents, joints, and pipes for leaks or holes that could cause a back draft of air into your home. If you notice water droplets on any part of the vent pipe then this is a sign you may have an obstruction in place like ice damming which can create back pressure against your furnace and lead to increased sound levels! This should be addressed promptly by installing insulation over top of pipes before it freezes again.

Get your HVAC system serviced by a professional once every year to ensure it’s running efficiently

Your HVAC system will make noise if it’s on the fritz or not running efficiently. A professional from DCAC air and heat should be able to diagnose and fix your furnace so that you’re back up and running smoothly in no time at all!

Contact DC AC Air and Heat at 321-436-6595

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